About This Game LAUNCH INTO THE BORDERLANDS UNIVERSE AND SHOOT ‘N’ LOOT YOUR WAY THROUGH A BRAND NEW ADVENTURE THAT ROCKETS YOU ONTO PANDORA’S MOON IN BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL!Discover the story behind Borderlands 2 villain, Handsome Jack, and his rise to power. Taking place between the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2, the Pre-Sequel gives you a whole lotta new gameplay featuring the genre blending fusion of shooter and RPG mechanics that players have come to love.Float through the air with each low gravity jump while taking enemies down from above using new ice and laser weapons. Catch-a-ride and explore the lunar landscape with new vehicles allowing for more levels of destructive mayhem.FeaturesBRING MAYHEM TO THE MOONFeel the moon’s low gravity with every jump and stomp.Cause mayhem with new weapons equipped with ice and laser capabilities!New enemies offer a space-based twist!THE RISE OF HANDSOME JACKWitness Handsome Jack’s rise to power.Dive deep into the origins of iconic Borderlands villains.Turn the tables and experience Handsome Jack’s side of the story.A NEW CLASS OF ANTIHEROESPlay as one of four new character classes, including Wilhelm the Enforcer, Nisha the Lawbringer, and Athena the Gladiator.Play as a combat-ready Claptrap prototype for the first-time!Experience the gray morality of working alongside Handsome Jack. 7aa9394dea Title: Borderlands: The Pre-SequelGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:2K Australia, Gearbox Software, Aspyr (Mac), Aspyr (Linux)Publisher:2K, Aspyr (Mac), Aspyr (Linux)Franchise:BorderlandsRelease Date: 14 Oct, 2014 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Full Crack [key Serial] A game that people are way too harsh on. Personally, it's my favorite Borderlands game in the series.Pros (+):- Jumping into TPS feels like a lot less of a commitment than BL2, as the early game\/tutorial segments can fly by pretty quickly. BL2's early game feels like a long, dragging tutorial up until the point you get Sanctuary off the ground. TPS excels in that you can just get right into the action.- TPS offers interesting, new mechanics to build upon its predecessor, those being the extra combat element of low-gravity, laser\/cryo weapons, and the gravity slams, all of which being incredibly fun to use.- Watching Handsome Jack's story unfold was quite enjoyable, and seeing him gradually become the monster we know him as in BL2 makes the game worth experiencing.- The Grinder makes seemingly useless guns a little more useful, as you can exchange them for better weaponry.- Claptastic Voyage is probably one of the best DLCs in the series.- The Vault Hunters this time around are each incredibly unique, and hearing their opinions on the current circumstances through their speaking roles makes it a lot easier to enjoy these characters.- BL2's slag mechanic is done away with entirely, being replaced by Cryo damage, which is infinitely more fun, as well as more useful.- The added movement options with low-gravity make traversing Elpis interesting.- More useful equipment can be found in the vendors. This makes money infinitely more useful.Neutral:- Skill Trees are the best out of all the Borderlands games. (Although characters like Claptrap and Aurelia suffer from having multiplayer-focused trees.)- Environments range from fantastically ambient to forgettable at times.- Music\/Ambiance is barely audible, although this has never particularly been a staple of the series.- Borderlands isn't famous for having good writing. This game is yet another example of tedious jokes and pop-culture references. (Except with more australians.)- Boring characters like Pickle and Springs make the journey a little tedious sometimes.Cons (-):- Guns range from incredible to incredibly useless. The latter is much more common to find.- Ridiculous amounts of backtracking, with early missions following a template of; Trying to get somewhere, your route to that place being blocked off by unforeseen circumstances, backtracking to unblock your route, and continuing on to the area.- Horrible optimization. Massive frame drops when entering combat.- The Holodome DLC almost isn't even worth playing if not for the rewards. Massive areas, repetitive enemies, boring slog through waves of uninteresting stuff.- Severely lacks the endgame that made BL2 so beloved by many. If not for a lack of content and care from its handlers, I believe this game would've had a better following and reputation in the long run.All in all, it's a solid 7\/10. Many say it would've been better off as a DLC for BL2, but with all the new things it brings to the table, I'd say it works just as fine by itself. Prominent issues and rehashed graphics and models don't exactly make this game worth a full $60-$40, but I'd say it's definitely worth picking up during a sale.TL;DR: Interesting story, new mechanics improve on its predecessors, falls short with backtracking and tedious writing. Worth waiting for a sale to pick up.. i try to love this game, and try to bear the walking time, but sorry i cant take it.this is WALKING SIMULATION, not borderland. I love this game. cant really see why people hate on it. Its characters and story are really nice and the tried and true gameplay is fun as always. 10\/10.. Heaps of fun, great humour.The oxygen and zero g mechanics may put some people off.. It's alot like Borderlands 2.But at the same time, it's not like Borderlands 2.Which makes it not as good as Borderlands 2 but almost as good as Borderlands 2.I like Borderlands 2.. Pros: Borderlands 2 style game play with some enhancements New classes are fun to play Cryo and laser weapons are nice new weapon editionsCons: Plot is the most lackluster in the series so far Humor is the weakest in the series so far Far less content than BL2 and BL1 Prequels are rarely done well (just ask George Lucas). If I could give this game a neutral score I would. Since i can't I will say i would only recommend it if your a big fan of Borderlands and even then only for one play through with all the add-ons. Here's hoping Gearbox and 2K do a better job with Borderlands 3 when it releases in September for EGS and April 2020 for us on Steam.. i want my cowboy mommy back. This game does have a bad reputation but it's not THAT bad. It's good and bad I guess? So it's a mediocre game so uh yeah. The only reason I played this was because of Claptastic Voyage and the story but the DLC was better than the main game so yeah.Pros: - Laser Weapons!- Cryo element which freezes enemies in place and take more damage to explosive damage- No slag thank god- A more balanced Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode (no OP levels)- Claptastic Voyage DLC. This is my second fav DLC in the series behind Dragon Keep DLC in BL2Cons:- Difficulty Spikes- O2 system so you are forced to run around looking for oxygen in zero atmosphere environments.- Low gravity (I personally am not a fan of this mechanic)- Lack of endgame content.- Holodome kinda sucks.If you want to buy it wait for a sale, pick up Handsome collection so you can get all DLC for this game (and BL2 and its DLC).. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Review Pandora\u2019s back baby, in this all new Pre-Sequel\u2026 Ever wondered what happened and how it happened that drove Jack to the extremes he pursued\u2026? Stay tuned Vault Hunter, you are in for one wild Gravity reduced ride\u2026Some key points that this game offers:1.\tLoot and Shoot your way out on the moon\u2019s surface and that Fancy Hyperion Space Station\u20262.\tLow gravity, High Jumps and a whole bag of tricks to pull off.3.\tNew weapon type Lazers and Elemental type Ice, just imagine the possibilities here\u20264.\tNot only experience Handsome Jacks rise to Power, but essentially be the cause and reason for making it happen.5.\tWorking with Handsome Jack will make you experience the not so black and white morality of things\u2026 Yeah my fellow Vault Hunters, here we are the good and bad guys\u20266.\tNew Vault Hunters which consists of a Combat Claptrap too\u20267.\tSeveral story gaps get filled from the story lines of Borderlands 1 and 2.Gameplay & Controls: If you played either of the previous Borderlands games you know what is in store for you. The game has full controller support so you have options there should you need them. The actual controls have not changed from previous games; it is still just as amazing and fun as you remember. You do have the option to customize them should you wish to.The gameplay takes a few minutes to get used to, not because it has issues, but because Low Gravity! Whether you are on Elpis, Pandora\u2019s moon, or the Hyperion Moonbase Helios, the gravity is reduced to extremely fun conditions allowing for high jumps, over almost every structure. The best part is Float and gun; yeah you heard it, while floating like a butterfly your bullets can sting like bee\u2019s\u2026 The game might not be the sequel that we wanted but it surely is tons of fun nonetheless, the Low Gravity makes this game for sure.MGRza: 8\/10Graphics:It is the same amazing, beautiful and iconic style that we have come to love about Borderlands. Every aspect is gorgeous, the colour schemes on the surface of the moon truly makes the exploring so much more beautiful, one simply can\u2019t help but stop to take a look at the gorgeous scenery.The Moon really feels alive with all that is happening in and around it. The characters look amazing, the monsters, and elemental damages, they all look simply marvellous to behold and experience.We have so many settings to fully customize our gaming experience, whether we are playing on a massive system or a dated one, a few tweaks will make it run smooth on almost any system.MGRza: 9\/10Sounds:Pure joy to experience the music as you go about exploring Elpis or Helios, the background sounds add to the lively look and feel of the environments, enhancing them and further increasing your overall joy you get out of them.Never forget the character voices, whether it is the enemies hearing and responding to you or hearing their screams as you send them to their gods, it all adds to that iconic Borderlands experience. Vault Hunter voices this time around offers more, you can hear and experience their personalities through more than just a few Echo\u2019s, they reply and respond to the NPC quest givers throughout the game,. So that is a nice touch this time around.MGRza: 9\/10Replayability:If you are a Veteran Borderlands player, you know all too well how much Replayability these games have.If you are a newcomer, the game offers a New Game + and New Game ++, so tons of fun, there are Raid Bosses, and Arena that you and your friends can redo until you farmed the perfect loot for your character builds.MGRza: 9\/10MGRza\u2019s Conclusions:Spoilers ahead:It is not the sequel we wanted, but it surely serves a purpose. The best thing that this title offers in my opinion is filling all the plot and story holes that exist in the previous titles. Such as why Jack Hates the Vault Hunters as much as he does, what transpired between them all? The story of how Jack knew what he knew about the Vaults and Iridium.Characters and other happenings, this title fills in so much of those tiny details that any gamer who loves lore, and the story line behind a game will thrive on just learning all of that. The game itself isn\u2019t bad, Whilst playing the Antihero\u2019s helping Jack take over Hyperion you now only first-hand experience and see how Jack goes insane in his Quest for power and the Vaults. You do this with some Vault Hunters you face off against in Borderlands 2, such as Nisha the Lawbringer.The gameplay was really done well, all in all this is a new Borderlands game, with brand new locations, enemies and so much more, the biggest eye sore that this game has is the fact that it isn\u2019t Borderlands 3, but it is worth a playthrough, that is for sure.Another nice\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665bit is seeing how Wilhelm goes from Human to mostly Cyborg as you level him up and replace his squishy bits with Cybernetic implants. So many tiny add on\u2019s here that really adds to why this game deserves a playthrough. MGRza: 8\/10By: MGRzaOverall Score 86%Additional info:Platforms: PC: Mac: Linux: Xbox: PlayStationGenre: RPG: Shooter: LootTag Line: The one Game that binds them all\u2026Censor Rating: MatureAge Rating: 16Developer: 2K Australia, Gearbox Software, Aspyr (Mac), Aspyr (Linux)Publisher: 2K, Aspyr (Mac), Aspyr (Linux)Release Date: 14 October 2014MGR Gaming Steam Curator:https:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/curator\/32364038\/Full reviews here:https:\/\/mgrza.wordpress.com\/. trust me, when you fire this game up, your little \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665in nuts are gonna start quAkIn buddy. your little N U T S are gonna be QuaKiNg. EAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH EHAHHHHHHHHH EAHHHHH YOURE GONNE SHOOT\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 YOURE GONNA SHOOT\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 YOURE GONNA SHOOT H O T C U M, EVERY WHERE and thats a promise. thats a promise folks. youre gonna shoot \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665in hot \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 all over your computer all over your mechanical keyboard and your razor mouse i swear to god that you will bust a nut the first time you play CLAP thats my money back garuntee if you dont bust a nut the first time you play message me
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Full Crack [key Serial]
Updated: Mar 18, 2020